Structure Of Clare Haven
Clare Haven Services is a Company Limited by Guarantee without a share capital and, as such, any income or surplus it might generate is not shared with any member of the company or other party and is re-invested in the work of the company. Clare Haven Services is also a Charity and is, therefore, bound by the requirements of the Charities legislation and by the newly published Charities Governance Code. It has a voluntary Board of Directors which is responsible for the overall management of the organisation and its development. The Board has three sub-committees.
The Manager of Services works collaboratively with the management team, and she reports directly to the Board. The Management Team has responsibility for the Client Support Team, the Refuge Team, the Children and Young People’s Services Team, including Childcare, and the Administration Team. These teams ultimately have responsibility for the care and support of our clients.
Clare Haven Services complies with the following
Our staff are paid employees of the service. In order to deliver the complexity of services that our clients need, we require consistent, qualified, professional staff. The salary bands used that are applicable to each role within the constraints of the funding granted can be found here. Using the statutory services pay scales goes someway to reflect average wages for similar roles in the wider jobs market though in real time are less than their statutory peers due to it being an outdated scale.
24 Hour Confidential Helpline (0)65 6822 435
Find out more about how Clare Haven Services can help you.