Older People

Older people, especially those who are considered to be vulnerable, have particular issues in relation to Domestic Abuse. In the first instance their abuser could have the dual role of being a spouse, adult child or other relative or non-related person who also acts as a carer to their victim in the older person’s home. Adults who are reliant on others for care and support are likely to experience abuse to a greater extent than adults who are not reliant on others.

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A further element could be that their “home” or domestic residence is a residential care facility and a place of work for another so they may be out of a familiar setting, or living there reluctantly, without their usual social network of friends, neighbours or local businesses with whom they have a relationship and might see the signs. As a result they may be subjected to abuse which remains hidden and unreported, while at the same time they may have limited opportunity to seek help www.sageadvocacy.ie


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