Complaint/Grievance Procedure for Clients of Clare Haven Services

Definition of a complaint – under the Health Act 2004 a complaint is defined as any action that “…it is claimed, does not accord with fair or sound administrative practice, and adversely effects the person by whom or on whose behalf the complaint is made” (Health Act 2004)

Purpose – All clients of Clare Haven Services have the right to comment or make a complaint about any of the services provided by CHS.

Responding effectively to comments and complaints received and learning from them is a key aspect to providing a high-quality customer focussed services. Clare Haven Services aims to create an environment where service users feel comfortable and have the opportunity to provide feedback about services experienced. Where standards of care, treatment and practice are perceived to fall short of what is acceptable service users should have ease to access an effective and fair system to deal with their complaints.

Clare Haven Services is committed to providing a system for the management of complaints that facilitates effective feedback from and communication to all service users. The emphasis is on the swift and positive resolution of complaints at local level where possible.

Stage 1.

Complaints Management Process

If a client makes a verbal complaint to a staff person, the staff person will report the complaint to either the Client Support Co-Ordinator, Children & Young People Support Co-Ordinator, Offices Co-Ordinator or HR & Administration Co-Ordinator. The Co-ordinator will contact the complainant to acknowledge the complaint and set up a meeting with them as quickly as possible with a view to resolving the complaint informally. During this meeting the Co-ordinator will ask the complainant to state the background of the complaint and to outline what reasonable action she would like to see taken to resolve the problem.

The complainant will be informed that notes will be taken during the meeting and these will be read back at the end of the meeting. The complainant should sign and date the notes. The Client Support/Children & Young People Support/Offices/HR & Administration Co-Ordinator will then discuss options and a range of solutions with the complainant.

If thecomplaint concerns the actions of a staff person or another client the complainant will be informed that this person has the right to be informed of the allegations.

The Client Support/Children & Young People Support/Offices/HR & Administration Co-Ordinator will meet with the client or staff person concerned and outline the complaint to them. Every effort should be made to resolve the complaint informally and, if necessary, through mediation.

Where informal resolution is not successful stage 2 of the complaints management process will be initiated.

Stage 2.

Formal Investigation

If the client is not satisfied with the outcome they may forward their complaint in writing to the Services Manager detailing dates, location, witnesses and other relevant information.

The Services Manager will instigate an internal investigation with another member of the management team. Staff have an obligation to participate and support the investigation of any complaint where requested.

When the investigation has been completed both parties will be informed of the findings and recommendations, and any action decided upon by the investigation team.

Stage 3.


Either party can appeal the decision of the formal investigation in writing to the Chairperson of the Board within 10 working days.

The Chairperson will appoint a Director(s) to carry out a review of the complaint.

The Director will review the processes used to carry out the investigation of the complaint and the findings and recommendations made post investigation. The director may re interview both parties before making recommendations to the Chairperson. The Chairperson will uphold, vary or make a new finding and recommendation.

Stage 4.

Complaint Recording Process

If following the appeal the complaint is not resolved, the complainant may seek an external review of the complaint.

Clare Haven Services is committed to providing a system for the management of complaints that facilitates effective feedback from and communication to all service users.

We have a mandatory duty to record all complaints received, notice of which must be sent to our primary funder DSGBV in Tusla and we will keep a written record of all complaints to include the following:

  • Name of person making the complaint

  • Name of person making the complaint

  • Date and time of the complaint

  • Action taken in response to the complaint

  • The outcome of the complaint investigation

  • Details of the information and findings that were given to the person making the complaint, including any action taken.


Child & Youth
