Marital Status & Family Status

We have integrated these two “grounds” from the legislation because the impacts are quite similar in the context of our work. In this regard these grounds are specific to women who were in an intimate partner relationship with their abuser but have separated through break-up and/or divorce.

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Significant Point

The significant point with regards their status is that they had children with an abuser and therefore cannot completely break away from the abuse. The children are weaponised and they, as well as the structures of child welfare, including social workers, custody, access and maintenance, are used by the perpetrator against the survivor as another tool to continue the abuse even after she has left him. They are connected through their mutual children. This enables him to carry out post-separation abuse usually in the form of financial abuse, emotional abuse, psychological abuse (for example accusing her of “parental alienation”), threats & intimidation, and at times actual physical and sexual assault. He continually to attempt exert control over his former victim and he has access to do so because she is raising the children.


Child & Youth
