
There are complex and varied issues that religion and faith can present for victims and survivors of domestic abuse. Certain interpretations of particular religious tenets are often used by perpetrators to manipulate and control their partners. The use of these teachings to justify abusive behaviour and the imbalance of power within a relationship can further contribute to the feelings of guilt and self-blame many victims experience as a result of the abuse. This manipulation of religious teachings and traditions by perpetrators imply the absolute authority of a husband over his wife.

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Called Out

Although this has been called out as inappropriate by others of the same faith, many perpetrators use beliefs to support misogynist behaviour in marital relationships laying out rules for heterosexual marriage and the gender roles within that relationship.

Concerns & Fears

There are many concerns and fears around the issue of domestic abuse as it impacts on personal and institutional belief. It may be the victim believes that to leave the abuse would going against personal faith and her community, for example if the only perceived escape is thought to be going against a belief such as ending a marriage in divorce, She with the guidance of her faith community may feel pressure to stay in dangerous relationships, using religious beliefs to justify abuse and potentially blaming women for their own victimisation. This can be tied to denial of the existence or prevalence of domestic violence, a sense of fear and hopelessness of outsiders or non-religious, the culture of patriarchy, and past or current other experiences of domestic abuse in families and the communities /


Child & Youth
