Traveller Community

Traveller women play an important role in their immediate family and the wider Traveller community. They usually have responsibility for the home, family and children, as well as acting as a conduit to service providers and take on leadership roles in acting as spokespeople for the community. Traditional gender roles in the Traveller community can lead to unequal power relations between men and women.

Marriage is expected to be for life, which is seen as matters of pride for the family.

Young Traveller Women

It would also be seen as the norm for young Traveller women, upon getting married, to live near her husband’s family therefore reducing access to and levels of support from their own immediate family members. The amalgamation of the above factors can result in lengthy delays in seeking help when living in an abusive relationship.


Traveller women use refuges, are more likely to be accompanied by children, and are also likely to use refuges on more than one occasion. Traveller women tend to use refuges as a temporary respite from an abusive relationship, before returning home. They report that they have less knowledge of other services, such as helplines and support services. They experience a number of barriers and issues in relation to accessing services:

  • Experience of Racism and Discrimination in day to day living can mean a reluctance to seek support outside of the community.

  • Lack of access to mobile phones, transport and money to pay for a taxi can all prevent a Traveller woman calling for help or leaving a violent situation.

  • Information on available services may be inaccessible to Traveller women due to literacy problems.

  • Travellers can have a high level of mistrust of people in positions of authority, including the legal system, Gardaí & social workers. An example of the fear and mistrust Traveller women feel is the concern that their children would be taken into care by social workers   /


Child & Youth
